Compagnie de la Traversée
Helmi Dridi
Far from being insignificant, Helmi Dridi's artistic career is largely dominated by a passion for theatre and directing. This Tunisian actor, born in 1980, began his apprenticeship on the stage very early, gaining experience in renowned establishments. Whether at the Centre des arts dramatiques et scéniques du Kef, or within a dance training at Esquena, Helmi's thirst for learning has never been quenched. An artistic tenacity that even allowed him to obtain, in 2000, the Best Male Actor Award at the Ali Ben Ayed festival, for the play Nuit d'hiver by Moncef Bessamra.
After trying his hand at directing in 2005 with the play J'aime l'Afrique, at the El Hamra theatre, Helmi Dridi returns to us in 2016 with the very ambitious play Djihad at the Théâtre des Feux de la Rampe, in Paris.
Over the years, Helmi Dridi has also found his place in the world of the seventh art, working for major directors such as Jean-Jacques Annaud in the adventure film Or noir, or Nouri Bouzid in the drama Making of. Prestigious references, which will not however prevent him from appearing in more modest productions, such as the short film Rien à signaler by Rida Tlili, or in Baba Noël by Walid Mattar, where he plays the role of an illegal immigrant.