Compagnie de la Traversée

Art is the only way that man has found so that the inner world of each individual can express itself truly and freely.
For us, theatre is an invitation to travel. We approach each story as the exploration of a new world where the imagination is the infinite ocean on which our creation navigates.

Also wanting to get involved in transmission, the company would like to welcome, during the creation of new shows, adolescents or adults coming from universes other than the artistic environment in order to open up an art that wants to be popular but which too often tends to close in on itself.
Our story
Created in 2019, the Compagnie de la Traversée aims to offer varied shows, questioning today's issues through classical or contemporary works.
The mixture of different arts (theater, circus, dance, live artistic performance, etc.) seems necessary to us in creation in order to explore the maximum number of possible artistic forms.
Our team